Surgery Completed + grotesque photos

This is what the gash from my surgery looked like after it was all done and sewn back up. I go back in one week to make sure it's not infected.

The surgery went well, and my nurses were kind enough to take some awesome pictures before, during and after the procedure!

These are some pretty bloody, meaty photographs, so I didn’t want to surprise the squeamish readers of this blog. Therefore, I have created a Flickr account to put some of the more invasive photographs, and you can choose to look at them.

There were very few hitches in the procedure, but one kind of silly thing happened.  When I was on the operating table and had just transferred over from the waiting room bed, I had an I.V. in my arm, and one of the nurses, a woman named Kim, said “um there’s something going on with his I.V.”

Yikes.  That’s not what I want to hear!

What had happened was that a hinge on the bed had pinched a hole in my I.V. tube, and I was bleeding on the floor and no longer getting any of the fluid from the I.V.

Not really a big deal though. I guess that happens sometimes, and they fixed it right up.  The last thing I remember is asking “was that the sleep medication you just put in my I.V.”

The anesthesiologist said “No. That was Versed.”

…and I was out.

2 Responses to “Surgery Completed + grotesque photos”

  1. bonbon Says:

    foot condom!!

  2. Mad Says:

    looks like a wormy lain upon the footsicle to tempt the other worms to come outa there

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